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Re: Tit'xka (Pretty Long Post)

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 29, 1998, 23:05
Sheets, Jeff wrote:
> Given your description of k in kill = /k_h/, I just can't > see why it isn't /k/. If you could explain the difference for me, I would > be appreciative.
The /k/ in _kill_ is [k_h], while the /k/ in _skill_ is [k]. The difference is that [k_h] is followed by a small puff of air, while [k] is not. I.e., the vocal cords turn on immediately after the [k] is released in _skill_, but not in _kill_. If you still can't tell, put your hand in front of your mouth and say those two words, you should feel a puff of air on your hand with _kill_, but not with _skill_.