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Vocab 2.7 in Kélen

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 23:42
On Friday 29 November 2002 16:59, Aidan Grey wrote:
> 1. machinery > To repair machinery is difficult.
anpíríki 'machine' < -pírík- 'gear' < -pír- 'tooth' la jaNúta ñi anenáríki anpíríki; la jaNúta ñi anpíríki anenáríki; be difficult-thing become machine(collective) repaired-thing(collective). (The word order of the last two words is irrelevant, since they rename each other.) New Word: -enárík- 'repair, fix, make whole'
> 2. into > Entering into machinery is a serious matter.
rá ... mé 'to ... in' la jakewála ñi rá anpíríki mé; be serious-thing become to machine in. (ñi rá is an idiom for go, & the modifier mé adds the in(to).)
> 3. wicked > She wants to be a wicked woman.
anpíña 'badness, wickedness' pa jakíña ñi macéna pa anpíña; PA her-want become woman PA wickedness. (pa is the whole-part relational: pa whole part, or whole pa part when in a subclause.) pa jakíña ñi macéna mapíña; pa jakíña ñi mapíña macéna; PA her-want become woman wicked-person (As in sentence 1, since the last two nouns rename each other, their order is irrelevant.)
> 4. mid- > Mid-century, being a wicked woman was dangerous.
áñ 'midst, middle' il jílxieni Nó áñ il te jaséña ñi macéna mapíña; il jílxieni Nó áñ il te jaséña ñi mapíña macéna; when years 96 middle then be+past danger become woman wicked-person (no word for century, but jílxieni Nó would be a good place to start.)
> 5. turn > It's your turn. > He needs to turn around.
-rús- 'return, something that happens cyclically' -íTál- 'return, come back around' -wéL- 'turn, curve' ál an jarúsa-nrie; now be+present turn-yours pa jakúña ñi míTála; ???? w/p his-need become turned-around-person I'm not sure if this is a legal sentence. It doesn't seem right to me. Mostly because I'm not sure about míTála.
> 6. historical > They want to study historical documents.
(New) anesálen 'history' < -sál- 'song' pa sáeT jakíña se antawála mo jemómi jesáleni; PA 3p-pl 3p-want SE study GOAL pages historical-things pa sáim jakíña se antawála mo jesáleni jemómi; PA 3p-paucal 3p-want SE study GOAL historical-things pages (SE is the transactional relational: it has an object that passes from a source to a goal. Here the object is study, the source is 'they' and the goal is 'historical documents'.) (Their want is to give study to historical documents.)
> 7. upset > We are upset about his coming.
(New) ankemása 'upset-ness' < -más- 'frown' assuming 1p exclusive: pa liénne ankemása to ñi ma rá Tó; pa léim ankemása to ñi ma rá Tó; PA 1p-dual (or) PA 1p-paucal upset-ness from become 3p to here.
> 8. him > We need to tell him.
varies according to the syntax... pa liénne lekúña selneme jáo; pa léim lekúña selneme jáo; PA 1p-excl-dual (or) PA 1p-excl-paucal 1p-need SE+1p-excl-paucal-src+3p-sg-goal that. (The dual/paucal distinction exists in full form pronouns, but not in the inflected form of SE.) pa liér lekúña senneme jáo; pa ñéim lekúña senneme jáo; PA 1p-incl-dual (or) PA 1p-incl-paucal 1p-need SE+1p-incl-paucal-src+3p-sg-goal that. (jáo is required to complete the sentence, since the object of SE isn't referenced anywhere else.) (We need to tell him that.)
> 9. damage > They are trying to damage our reputation. > It took a lot of damage in the battle.
jaketúra 'damage' < -túr- 'injury, harm' céja anetenne jaketúra jassálárien; céja anetenne jassálárien jaketúra; trying SE+present+3p-paucal-src+1p-incl-paucal-goal damaged-thing reputation (They are trying to give us a damaged reputation.) te jaketúra ná to jakáNNe; SE+past+null-src/goal damage much from battle (SE+past+null-src/goal 'It took' is indistinguishable from be+past: 'There was'.)
> 10. apparatus > This apparatus needs to be repaired.
apparatus? anákíki (generic word for a collection of things set in order) pa anákíki Tó jakúña ñi anenáríki; PA apparatus this its-need become repaired-thing pa anákíki Tó jakúña jenáríki; PA apparatus this its-need repairs. This last is PA whole(this apparatus) part(its-need) part-of-part(repairs). Bye, -Sylvia -- Sylvia Sotomayor The Kélen language can be found at: This post may contain the following characters: á (a-acute); é (e-acute); í (i-acute); ó (o-acute); ú (u-acute); ñ (n-tilde);


Joe Mondello <joemond@...>Vocab 2.7 in Mizubistade