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Re: after 6 years...

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Sunday, March 4, 2001, 2:11
En réponse à Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>:

> > > > Hello, Ferenc. I'm one of them. Where's your conlang > > website, BTW? IIRC you had something proletarian and > > Slavic-based. Or it wasn't you? > > Ah yes, Vranian and the Proletariat page. You can see my old works > (Gamyar, Neo-Dalmatian and Vranian) as well as the prole page at > (I think...) >
Well, I do remember about this page (and also about the fact that many links of the Neo-Dalmatian Chrestomathy put you to a "Oups! this page doesn't exist" :( ). To bad, because this was very interesting. Still, your name rings a bell that has nothing to do with Internet. Would I have seen it somewhere else? In a book maybe? I hate when that happens to me... this feeling of déjà-vu... By the way, this question is stupid but burns my lips: is Gamyar an intented pun or not? :) Christophe.


Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>