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Re: OT: Hexagonal (was: Re: Not phonetic but ___???)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Sunday, April 18, 2004, 4:48
In a message dated 2004:04:17 01:57:15 PM, christophe.grandsire@FREE.FR

>En réponse à Javier BF :
>>Yet, Spaniards are consummate international travelers >>nowadays (apart from restless national travelers), within >>Europe at least. I haven't been to anywhere in this continent >>where I didn't find loads of fellow countrymen, only the >>ubiquitous Japanese tourists seem to be more abundant. > >What about the Dutch? They seem always to find their way everywhere ;)))
Global tourism most be one of the subconscious factors in my "sci-fi" conlang _goomeelegoo_ bein' loosely based on a de-construction of Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French, German, and English (& pidgins & creoles thereof) etc. ;) In the past, some pidgins arose from the maritime trade. Nowadays pidgins can arise from the tourist trade &/or the emergency aidworkers' "trade." * And the specific languages I mentioned above are rather dominant in both trades. * supposedly there are UNESCO/Red Cross efforts to create AidSpeak similar to SeaSpeak and AirSpeak but more international Interlingua-like "restricted language" than the English-based SeaSpeak and AirSpeak ones. If anyone has more specifics on this AidSpeak, I'd love to know more... --- *DiDJiBuNgA!!* Hang Binary,baby...--- Hanuman "Stitch" Zhang, ManglaLanger (mangle + manga + lang) <A HREF="">=></A> Language[s] change[s]: vowels shift, phonologies crash-&-burn, grammars leak, morpho-syntactics implode, lexico-semantics mutate, lexicons explode, orthographies reform, typographies blip-&-beep, slang flashes, stylistics warp... linguistic (R)evolutions mark each-&-every quantum leap... "Some Languages Are Crushed to Powder but Rise Again as New Ones" - John McWhorter, _The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language_ "WITH MASTS SUNG EARTHWARDS the the sky-wrecks drive. Onto this woodsong you hold fast with your teeth. You are the songfast pennant." - Paul Celan = ¡ gw'araa legooset caacaa ! ¡ reez'arvaa. saalvaa. reecue. scoopaa-goomee en reezijcloo ! = [Fight Linguistic Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!]