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Re: Arabic article (was: Corpses)

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Monday, November 10, 2003, 23:14
--- Isidora Zamora <isidora@...> wrote:

> It may be too late for that. I have already > put conlang content into a > post on the Visible Planets thread, which is an > offshoot of the Corpses > thread, by talking some about Nidirino > phonology. > > I can't believe that I started a thread this > extensive. I just asked which > logical gender a human corpse ought to belong > to. I think that my answer > for the Cwendaso was epicene. I don't think > that the Trehelish lanuage has > the same gender catagories as the Cwendaso > language, so I don't know how > they would gender one, although they do believe > that there is something > still living in it. > > Oops. I think that I might have just brought > this thread back to > conlanging by including the words "gender" and > "epicene" in the body of the > text. Please forgive me the offense :-)
You're forgiven, cos you mentioned corpses at least twice. :) Though, unfortunately, you mentioned them in a thread about Arabic articles, so you're really way off topic! Padraic. ===== fas peryn omen c' yng ach h-yst yn caleor peryn ndia; enffoge yn omen ach h-yst yn caleor per la gouitha. [T. Pratchett] -- Ill Bethisad -- <> Come visit The World! -- <> .