On 16 Jun 99, at 19:39, Dr.X wrote:
> o =FC u ia u uo (ai) io ei. ai o a e oi ei.
> I can eat glass. It doesn't hurt me.
This is an interesting attempt. I have one question about the
grammar, though.
> The idea is that all concepts must enter the mind somehow. I
thought that
> the most fundamental were probably senses, so I included some sense word=
> Then some words to construct relationships between these. The most
> interesting part, I think, is the proword. When any concept has been
> explained, it can be assigned to the proword and re-used.
How do you distinguish use vs. assignment of the proword "ai"?
The parentheses seem to do it in the above text, but how would it
be done in speech?
> Possible revisions include adjustment of the fundamental concepts, addit=
> of relationship-words, addition of proword capabilities.
I suggest dedicating one function word to be an assignment
operator that sets the meaning of the following/preceding
proword(s) for future use.
Jim Henry III
*gjax zaxnq-box baxm-box goq.