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From:Stefan "1of3" Koch <oneofthree@...>
Date:Friday, April 11, 2003, 14:02

mi puzi co'a tcidu la alis. .i mi djica lenu so'uroi retsku bau la gliban.

- Why are the chapters marked with "no'i". Why not "ni'o"?

-p. 3: "la alis. spaji sa'irbi'o" - Shouldn't it be "se spaji" since Alice is
suprised by the situation and not the other way round?

-p. 4: "la alis. nasai djuno ledu'u makau smuni ga zo stuzrlatitudi gi zo
stuzrlongitudi" - Shouldn't it be "ge" because Alice knows neither nor?

mu'omi'e ctefan.