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From:<Wilhelm Ulrich Schlaier> <smithv637@...>
Date:Sunday, August 17, 2003, 0:12
 1. Hay ne zar ekwih cet nomen.
     hello (comma) (?) is your name.
 2.  Isk uhs nomen ekwih ne Vawt Vilhelm Ulrik Zchlyir ne zar ekwih cet.
 I-own name is (comma) (unmarried man) Wilhelm Ulrich Schlaier (comma) is
 3.Isk uhs nomen ekwih ne Mooshch Rheeanuhn Bloo Nelsuhn.
    I-own name is (comma) (unmarried woman) Rheannon Blue Nelson.

 4.Zar mihk oblen ekwih oonts keelov reenk-mulk ind doos leetruhv mulk.
    (?)  amount money is 1 kilogram hard-milk(cheese) and 2 liter milk.
 5. Zimov ekwih noonts-doosay oreev  feer eterneo.
    That is 12 ori's for (it) all.
 6. Poot zimov Isk noor-weet opl nootih etern.
     Set (at) that (price) I not-able afford food(and drink) ever(again).