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Re: Diving In...

From:William Annis <annis@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 14:21
 >From: Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
 >And I thought Euskara's verbal system was complicated... How can people store
 >such complex things in their minds I'll never understand... The human mind is
 >really a wonder...

        Yep.  It was after a close reading of a West Greenlandic
grammar that I decided all my affixes didn't have to be completely
orthogonal.  There is *all sorts* of assimilation going on in
W.G. Inuktitut, which often changes both ends of an affix
dramatically.  If the Inuit can do it, so can I!  :)

 >There is a mark of subject in the participles too? Wow!
 >> Add to that ergative structure, a bunch of different cases, a huge
 >> series of demonstrative pronouns ("this here," "that near by," that over
 >> there," "that out of sight," and others) and the whole polysynthetic
 >> thing... Eek!
 >:))) Well, I can understand that where they live, the Inuit don't have much
 >landscape features to explain geographical situations. So they have to resort
 >to a complex system of demonstrative pronouns. As for the rest...

        I understand in Greenland, one of the demonstratives with a
primary meaning of "that out at sea" now is used a lot to refer to
anything in Denmark. :)  As always, this "that out of site thingy"
demonstrative made it into Vaior.
