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A Lesson on Service and Duty - Nyulyen

From:Joseph Fatula <fatula3@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 17, 2004, 7:44
Fn’a sömeash af eratfn’au aftye.
Fy?a sömrye af eravoske aftye.
Ka pontyü af trye erazöurt aftye.
Rvye sömrvye af eratrvye aftye.
Ksyömat haf af erakyütyur aftye.
Gy’ad’atnt shkau sömeasht at, haty’ify?a.
Ar?uatnt shkau sömeasht fyiry, eryüar?uat ktyafat

- X' is ejective
- Xy is palatalized
- X? is pharyngealized
(these can be combined, cf. _haty'ify?a_)
- _sh_ is supposed to be s-hachek, but for e-mail, _sh_ is better

The good master teaches his apprentice well.
The good herdsman tends his goats well.
The good lake-god feeds his fish well.
The good weaver weaves his cloth well.
The good father raises his children well.
Let those who serve a good king rejoice, for they will be treated well.
But let those who serve an evil king repent - their turning will be for the


What do you think?  Does the language sound reasonable?  Does it sound like
any you are familiar with?  It's sort of an experiment that showed up one
day through regular sound change from a different project I was working on.
(It's got a nice writing system, too.)


fn’a sömeaš af era-t-fn’a-u af-tye
-- teach ruler good his/her.participle.teach.something good.adv

fy?a sömrye af era-vos-ke af-tye
-- tend-well herdsman good his/her.goat.s good.adv

ka pontyü af trye era-zö-ur-t af-tye
-- give lake-god good food his/ good.adv

rvye söm-rvye af era-trvye af-tye
-- weave actor-weave good his/her.cloth good.adv

ksyömat haf af era-kyüty-ur af-tye
-- raise father good good.adv

gy’-ad’-at-nt š-ka-u sömeaš-t at, ha-ty’i-fy?a
-- be.happy.come.opt who.give.something good,

ar?u-at-nt š-ka-u sömeaš-t fyiry, eryü-ar?u-at ky-t-af-at
-- change.come.opt who.give.something evil, their.change.come

The above is (more or less) how the morphemes break up in each word.  If you
have questions about how any of these work, let me know.