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Re: Verbal nouns

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 3, 2000, 4:42
In a message dated 2000:10:02 8:56:46 PM, hsteoh@QUICKFUR.YI.ORG writes:

>I'm working on making up a set of morphemes that can convert any (well, >almost any) verb/noun/relative to any other. You can verbalize a noun, >or nominalize a verb, or even verbalize a nominalized verb! Of course, each >morpheme will carry a slight nuance; so verbalizing a nominalized verb >will actually mean something more than the original verb itself. For >example, in English: "to play" nominalizes to "player" which verbalizes >to "to playerize" (i.e., to make into a person who plays). Bad example off >the top of my head, but you get the idea -- "to playerize" has acquired >more meaning than the original verb "to play".
intriguing (as usual). Would it be rather neat to create a free order, isolating language with such a system? I think that would be rather "playful". :) czHANg