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Re: On nerds and dreamers

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Thursday, March 17, 2005, 15:03
Carsten Becker wrote:

>Hey Steven, > >Thank you for not lynching me because of the chaotic things in my comment; I >just did not pay too much attention to where adding things and which things >*exactly* to delete. > >Anyway, I am sometimes the 'cheat-sheet' as you put it, and when too many >people always want to copy my homework, I just don't let them. Of course >you're the asshole of the week for the next 3 weeks, but people tend to >forget that they should be mad on me because I did not let them cheat. I >like helping and I sometimes let people copy my homework, since I sometimes >need to copy as well actually. It only may not become use. > >
I'm very rarely the cheat sheet, since 50% of the time I forget to do my homework. I'm not reliable enough for people to cheat off me. Generally in my experience, people don't copy others because they aren't willing to try themselves, but because the homework has slipped their mind and they need to do it in the hour between lessons.