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lego phonology <<_lego vono-logi_>>

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Friday, November 16, 2001, 0:09
    Herewith is my attempt to use CPA to define the phonology of _lego_, my
neo-Futurist ConLang (imagine a wild & wooly _poli-glotta tecno-cre`ol_
arising from English, Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages).

    Please correct me if I am mistaken in some symbols or other matters (this
is my 1st good, serious attempt at a phonology) ::head-spinnin' from ol'
primate brains here brain-werkouting::  great - clean & sober- fun while one
is still sufferin' P.A.W. (Post Acute Withdrawal) Syndromes from 16 (est'd.)
years of drug and alcohol abuse...

::with a Standing Monkey Gung Fu flourish:::

... lego vono-logi, 1.0 [eno-p:xo-zero]...

    Most written _lego_ symbols represent one sound, or rather a narrow range
of very similar or combinations of sounds that will all be interpreted by a
listener as the same element of speech.
    /modified CPA 1.0  is used for IPA-SAMPA/

vowels:   a     e    i     o     u        :     e`    'y'
        /"a/ /E/ /i/ /o/  /u/   /@/   /e/   /aI/

    p  /p/      b /'b/ <stressed>
    t /t/       d /d/
    c /k/       g /g/

    f /f/       v  /v/
    s /s/-/S/   zj  /z`/   as in "de jure," "Zhivago", "rouge,"pleasure,"
azure, etc.
                "j  /dz`/   "g" as in "geology"

                l  /l/
                r  /*r`/
                w  /w/
                ~y  /j/

                m /m/
                n /n/
                "g /"N/  "ng" as in "Shang" "xing" "sing"

a: /”a/ as in “father” (open, central, not rounded)

b: /'b/ as in “bubble” (stressed voiced bilabial plosive)

c: /k/ as in “code” and “key” (voiceless velar plosive)

d: /d/ as in “dada indeed” (voiced dental or alveolar plosive)

e: /E/ “e” in “ten tech men” (open-mid, front, not rounded).

e`: /e/ longer and more like the “ey” in “they” but hopefully without the
diphthongal off-glide which occurs in English (close-mid, front, not rounded)

f: /f/ as in “fluffified” [ "v" is highly preferred in most cases,
especially where the root was once "ph"](voiceless labiodental or bilabial

g: /g/ as in “gargle” & “goon”, not as in “ginger” (voiced velar plosive)

“j:  / dz’/soft combination ‘g’ sound of “geology” “jet” and “Jon”
(voiced dental or alveolar plosive immediately followed by voiced
postalveolar or retroflex fricative)

i: /I/ as in “machine” and “ski” (close, front, not rounded)

zj: /z’/ as in French “bonjour.” This sound is also heard in the English
words “vision, pleasure, azure.” (voiced postalveolar or retroflex fricative)

l: /l/ as in “lull” (alveolar lateral approximant)

m: /m/ as in “memory” (voiced bilabial nasal)

n: /n/ as in “noon” (voiced alveolar nasal)

"g: /”N/ as in “sing” “Ming” "yang" “ping” "pong" "gangbang" (voiced velar

o: /o/ as in “note,” Spanish “ocho” (close-mid, back, rounded or

p: /p/ as in “pop” (voiceless bilabial plosive)

r:  /*r’/  “r” of central US English (retroflex approximant)

s: /S/ as in “sissy” and c in “cypher” & “cyber-”, not as in
“cosmos”“rose” [In lego, z is more preferred than s] (voiceless alveolar

t: /t/  as in “tight” (voiceless dental or alveolar plosive)

u: /u/ as in “truth,” German “du” (close, back, rounded)

v: /v/ as in “valve” (voiced labiodental fricative)

w: /w/ as in “water” and “aqua” (voiced labial-velar approximant
semi-vowel/ glide; essentially a brief u with exaggerated puckering of the

:x : /’@kz/ or /'Eks/ as “x-ray” “extreme””sex””matrix””helix” and
“ecstasy” (primary stressed, combination of schwa, /k/ and /Z/)

‘x: /’Z/ as in “xeno-””xylo-”[found only in certain _le`go_] (primary
stressed, extra-sibilant voiced alveolar fricative)

‘y’: /aI/  as “cyber-,” “xylo-” (stressed diphthong)

~y: /j/ as in “yeah,” “yin,”“yang” (approximant pseudo-vowel sound with
semi-wavering tone to slight creaky voicing)

z: /Z/ as in “zigzag” and like the s in "chaos" "cosmos" (voiced alveolar

_:_  <schwa> : /@/ indeterminate, neutral, obscure “vowel” sound [the short
a /a/ of Indian English - Hindilish - or of AfricanAmerican “Ebonics” can
replace /@/, i.e. “speaker”/spik@r/ becomes “speeka” /spika/]

    That is it for now... lego syntax mayhaps next time ...

    ya conlanging Higher Primate fiendy-friend,