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Re: USAGE: Verbs and verb compounds

From:John Fisher <john@...>
Date:Sunday, June 20, 1999, 17:06
In message <376C6AD9.DF584C90@...>, Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
>Matthew Kehrt wrote:
>> I once had a system where all perpositions were verbs: >> (The cat) (is) (on the shelf.) >> becomes: >> (The cat) (is on) (the shelf). >> >> "To be on" was a verb in itself. This system, however did not work very >> well. > >Because of cases like "lie on" and the like? Those could be handled by >serial verbs or similar constructions, no? Say, "The cat is lying on >the shelf" would be "The cat is-on the shelf, lying"
Elet Anta has verbs like these, which are tacked onto the end of nouns: The-cat shelf-is-on But these can be made adverbial, like any verb, so it's: The-cat shelf-is-on-ly is-lying -- John Fisher Elet Anta website: Drummond ro cleshfan merec; fanye litoc, inye litoc