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Re: Root Structures

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, September 17, 1999, 4:57 writes:
> >Do people's conlangs have well defined possible root structures?
Ok, I don't know how to properly set this up but here goes: C = consonant V = vowel D = diphthong Di = digraph My roots all are: CVC (him) , CDC (taok), DiVC (tsad), DiDC (chaon) I kept them short because they tend to get long as you add on the affixes. I was able to get at least 2000 basic roots (not all are named mind you). I generally dont diverge from this but i may start to because I am finding certain VC, and DC combinations to be more pleasing than some of the existing roots. ____________________________________________________________________ "Raw to the floor like reservoir dogs" - A.V. Helden ____________________________________________________________________