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Re: Brothers-in-law

From:Michael Adams <michael.adams1@...>
Date:Friday, May 5, 2006, 18:47
How about more like Brother by Law or Brother by Marriage?

Got cousins, but we are not blood cousins, just cause of my
mother marrying their uncle or like..

Common Law, does make it easier for a long time partner to claim
many of the elements of marriage, from support when their long
time partner dies, or moves away and like. Does raise the
question, if a gay/lesbian couple live together for 10 years,
does it make a common law marriage or ...

Is there a term in some conlangs for specific


PS: if I wanted a flame war, I would actual use my brain.. Of
late been turning it off, so I can better put up with the often
moronic and uneducated and often enflamitory comments in the US
News and by my fellow US citizens.. Lobotomy happens many ways,
some self inflicted..  Me, just doing it to myself, its less
painful, than having to explain why people dislike the US, cause
we nuked someone into the stone age, and why the rest of the
world then nukes us back as well. Or cause many in the US seem
to have an almost moronic pride in speaking only English,
forcing the rest of the world to become nothing but clones of
the US, to include a McDonalds on every corner and like items
(to include forcing them to become Christian)..

Maybe why we have conlangs, in part, to find some language that
is not so tied to one group, one culture, or one shading of
things. Its not English, or Russian, or Chinese or even French
or Spanish.. Though not sure if India could handle another
language added to their mix of languages (yes, using languages
not lingos, some people get pissed at me when I use lingo, but I
find it easier to type, and not as latin as Lingua, but ... such
is life).

Does raise a question, if you was to have a language for the
world.. would you use one that is based in current languages,
such as what Esperanto is like, with its often Latin based words
and structure, mixed in with some Slavic forms (correct if I am
in error). Or go for something more universal or new?

I know more a topic if an AuxLang list than a ConLang one..

I do know one thing, got to remember to post more when I am
AWAKE.. Some of my recent posts, I think I was not quite
conscious or on my way to unconsciousness.. I needed to learn
more Latin when I was a kid..

Has anyone put Esperanto down as a language they know for a job


Auf widersehn and dosvedanya, quyanna for your time and "thanks
for all the fishes".

Just a crazy Gusiq/nIllamuit (white guy, well, mostly white).
And a sober 1/4 Irish man as well.. Got the gene to be depressed
and want to drink, but the brains to find better things to do
than bury my life and whole world in a pint..

Anyone here speak Klingon or Quenya yet?


Ph.D. <phil@...>