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Re: THEORY: Xpositions in Ypositional languages {X,Y}={pre,post}

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Sunday, September 23, 2007, 13:48
Quoting R A Brown <ray@...>:

> Andreas Johansson wrote: > > Quoting R A Brown <ray@...>: > [snip] > >>Ill amend my comment above: "I think by the second stage we surely have > >>a suffix or, at least, a clitic; so even at that stage it has IMO ceased > >>to be an adposition." > > > > Dryer would here no doubt protest that a clitic indicating the case > role of a > > nominal phrase *is* an adposition. Op. cit: > > > > "Such clitic case markers, which attach to modifiers of the noun if > > they are at the beginning or end of the noun phrase, are treated here > > as instances of adpositions since they combine syntactically with > > noun phrases, even though they are not separate phonological words." > > Which must surely mean that Dryer considers _'s_ in "The guy next door's > wife" to be a postposition; but it's generally considered to be clitic.
Dryer's wording surely indicates that he considers it to be BOTH a clitic AND a postposition.
> But as I have written before, the border-line between adpositions & > clitics is fuzzy. I think whether a case marker is considered to be an > adposition, a clitic or an affix must surely depend upon the structure > of the language concerned and its phonotactics. But even conceding > Dryer's argument as a universal truth, I still am of the opinion that ..... > > >>The point is that I do not think a case has been made for a separate > >>category of 'supraposition'. > > > > > > I don't know if anybody has really tried: > > But surely in view of the amount of linguistic analysis that has gone on > over the past two centuries, and especially during the last one, surely > if such a beast as a 'supraposition' exists it would have been spotted > by someone. That fact it will need someone to *try* and spot it seems to > me to re-enforce my point that defining a category of 'supraposition' as > distinct from 'suprafix' will require some pedantic sleight of hand, > i.e. IMO multiplying entities unnecessarily.
But nobody argues that suprapositions exist! I did not say that nobody as tried looking for them, I said nobody has tried to make a case for such a category. Andreas


R A Brown <ray@...>