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Re: CHAT: Coming out

From:Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 24, 2001, 4:42
Justin's been having trouble with this message, so he asked me to send it.

Subj:   Coming Out
Date:   Mon, 23 Jul 2001 9:23:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   Jdm314

I tried to post this the other day, but yahoogroups wouldn't let me. I'm
trying again using a different method... I don't get to computers that much
when I'm off in Latin Land.
     As you'll recall, I'm at the COnventiculum Latinum Lexingtonianum, where
we speak Latin so much that if an outsider speaks english to us we gape like
     In any case, on the first day something pertenant occurred- I was
digging through my backpack, when I accidentally pulled out the
non-cannonical Caryatic alphabet which my friend David Salo had invented.
     Immediately I was surrounded by half a dozen mad latinists, who all
demanded to know what it was. This was embarassing for three reasons:

1) I was going to have to, as you say, come out.
2) I was going to have to do so in Latin
3) I was going to have to come out, explain what Caryatic was, and who David
Salo was before I could possibly explain to them what the alphabet was.

    Well, I took a deep breath and explained it all in my best Latin prose.
The result was rahter anticlimactic. They basically said "Oh." The end ;)


Eric Christopherson, a.k.a. Contrarian Conlanger Rakko ^_^