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Re: THEORY: Deriving adjectives from nouns

From:Jim Grossmann <steven@...>
Date:Sunday, June 6, 1999, 21:29
>Tom Wier wrote: >Okay, but that doesn't make an adverb + noun, in any >language, any more comprehensible, does it? I know I kinda >jumped into the middle of things here.
Well, it doesn't make sense to me either as a noun-phrase, although I can envision circumstances in which the sequence could occur as a sentence. ZERO VERB PRO-FORM, AS IN B. A: The rhino did that nicely. B: Nicely hippo. (meaning "The hippo did that nicely too.") Come to think of it, we do something like this in some varieties of English in the imperative. "Nicely, John." can mean "Do that nicely, John." NO-VERB EXISTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION WITH SENTENCE ADVERB: C: Nicely hippo. = Nicely enough, there was/is a hippo. I know that's not quite what the original "adverb + noun" author had in mind, but it's all I could think of offhand. Jim