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Re: THEORY: Deriving adjectives from nouns

From:Marcos Franco <xavo@...>
Date:Saturday, June 5, 1999, 0:59
Tem Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:28:36 -0700, Charles <catty@...>

>> Particularly on that case ("pretty little girl(s)(') school") you have >> an ambiguity, since it's not clear whether the school is "for girls" >> or "of the girls". > >It is a famous test case. There are many possible meanings.
Well, I know. I was referring now to the genitive ambiguity.
>How many can your conlang unambiguously distinguish, >and how intuitive are the constructions?
Well, you tell me first what they are, and I give you the translations :)
>Matthias once gratiously provided this other headache: >"nice dancer" vs "nicely dancing one". (I cannot >bring myself to say "nicely dancer"!)
Yes, this is the same as recently discussed "good fisher". I proposed "bonama fishero" (bon-am -a fish-er-o) for the second meaning you give (being "bona fishero" for the first one), though I'm not very convinced with the "bon-am -a" derivation. Btw I've decided to change -am adverbial ending for another. It just gives problems of similiraty with accusative adjective ending -an. So I'm now deciding between -i -in and -im. Each of them have possitive and negative consecuences, so the decision is not trivial.
>Precision is good, but so is ease of use.
Yes, that's the challenge of making an IAL :) Saludos, Marcos