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Re: THEORY: Deriving adjectives from nouns

From:From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html <lassailly@...>
Date:Saturday, June 5, 1999, 21:36
Dans un courrier dat=E9 du 05/06/99 21:59:48  , charles a =E9crit :

> Semantic lexemes can be distinguished from grammatical morphemes: >
indeed (very interesting site). you know that the morphem is specificaly=20 grammatical when it doesn't fit into any other specialised semantic category=20 ;-) lojban or tunu relators are "sch=E8me" classes, i.e. a description of th= e=20 relation between the theme and the rheme ("entit=E9 et comportement"), wheth= er=20 active, attributive or equative. you may as well decide that "to wear as a=20 white pointed hat" is one of these sch=E8mes. like you may ignore that natla= ngs=20 usually analyse rainbow as displaying 5 to 12 colours and decide that it=20 displays 2 or 958 colours. you'll always be right. my point is that different roles are isolated and used in integrated nouns o= f=20 actors and help tie up the right meaning of paired words. you may use them o= r=20 let them flat out. but if you're considering "disambiguating" i suggest you=20 use 958 ;-) mathias