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Re: Saying "Thank you."

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, August 20, 2001, 3:42
Sally Caves wrote:

Also, I'd like to ask you if you
would volunteer your words for "thank you" in
    your languages, so she can get a taste of it.
    Even if you didn't hear the interview, or like it, 
    it would be great if I could treat her to the look 
    and sounds of your languages--I'm also curious!  
    How do you say "thank you" in your conlangs?  
    How do you analyze it grammatically, and how 
    do you pronounce it?
 Kash: makuvus [ma'kuBus] 'I thank (you)' --([ma'kuvus] OK-- actually, their
lower teeth touch the upper lip; they are non-human, after all).... /ma-/ '1st' + /kuvus/ 'to thank, give thanks'.
    Roger Mills