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Re: Homosexuality and gender identity

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 8:59
En réponse à Mark J. Reed :

>To bring this back on-topic: many natlangs have syntax which varies >depending on the sex of the speaker (or the addressed, or both). >Has anyone developed a conlang which has such variance based on >self-selected gender identity or sexuality? I know that in the >continued struggle in the real world for equal treatment of all >groups, we are trying to eradicate such required distinctions >from language, not introduce them, but it might be interesting to >develop a language where your choice of words directly conveyed >your sexual identity.
This is not exactly what you meant, but as I often said, Maggel's gender is purely grammatical, and unconnected to natural gender, so that referring to a male person with a female pronoun is perfectly normal, when the noun which would be used to refer to that person would be of feminine gender (such a noun is "captain", whose form I still don't know :(((( . But I know that it originally meant "ship's wife" - ships are masculine in Maggel - which explains why it is a feminine word and why men, when referred to by their quality of captain, are referred to with the female pronoun ;))) ). And since Maggel pronouns distinguish gender even at the first person, they always convey more than the corresponding English pronouns (a man can refer to himself as |eu|, |ma|, |bebg|, |lu|, |lebg| or |sba| depending on gender and proximacy, which makes for a lot more distinctions than "I" can ever bring :)) ). Christophe Grandsire. You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>