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Re: Homosexuality and gender identity

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 12:25
Tristan McLeay scripsit:

> Well, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Though the older something is, the > more likely it is to put a dot at the end of 'Mr' and suchlike. The > replacement of Mrs and Miss by Ms seems to have killed the dot, though: > Ms doesn't have a dot, so Mr doesn't to look similar from whence its > absence spreads everywhere.
"Ms." definitely does have a dot in North America, despite not being an abbreviation; presumably by analogy. -- John Cowan <jcowan@...> Yakka foob mog. Grug pubbawup zink wattoom gazork. Chumble spuzz. -- Calvin, giving Newton's First Law "in his own words"