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Re: Future Translation relays, and new spin-off mailing list

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Saturday, June 26, 1999, 0:27
Jim Henry wrote:
> I agree. As we split off auxlang a few years ago and conculture > early this year
Not to mention the celtic-conlang list and, IIRC, an NGL list.
> we should split off translation relays, which generate > not only the lengthy (nice) texts, but lots of related admin chat. > Perhaps the same list would be open to any long interlinear text > postings, but not general conlang or linguistics chat.
I disagree. As I suggested earlier, the relay could be handled solely thru individual e-mails. A "relaymaster" would declare on the list the beginning of a relay, describing what the basic text will be, in vague details, of course, preferably nothing more than something like "this will be a four-line text". Then, anyone who wants to participate would contact that person by private e-mail, and (s)he'd compile all the participants, and send the text to the first person. That person, when they're finished, would send their translation to the relaymaster, who would forward it (after, perhaps, editing to remove a smooth translation) to the next person and so on. Perhaps the relaymaster would also send an e-mail to the list to declare the relay closed, and then at the end send a single e-mail with all the translations, with a link to a webpage that has it, if the relaymaster has made one. OR the relaymaster could set up a temporary list for posting the translations and discussing it. Thus, either way, there would be a grand total of just *3* posts about it. -- Happy that Nation, - fortunate that age, whose history is not diverting -- Benjamin Franklin ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor