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Re: Enamyn (was: Byzantine Greek)

From:Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Date:Thursday, April 25, 2002, 19:49
Quoting "Y.Penzev" <isaacp@...>:

> Can we see smwhere on the Web the samples of Enamyn?
No, you can't. :) Truth is, I'm actually working on a web site at present (soon to be, thanks to Christophe, but don't go there yet, because you'll just get a 404 en francais), and I promise to announce it to the list once it is up. Indeed, it will be something of a minor miracle if I _do_ get a web page up. Enamyn has probably been the group joke for the last couple of years. I joined the list back in Dec. of '96 with all sorts of embarrassingly amateurish ideas, quickly came to the conclusion that I didn't know enough, and sat down to learn. Well, I've been learning ever since, to the expense of any actual development of the language. Which has deeply annoyed me, because Enamyn promises all sorts of interesting linguistic treats to savor and explore, but only in my mind. It is a mental gumdrop that I suck on in times of boredom and ennui, savoring it and rolling it around on my tongue, but too nervous to commit it to the awful tyranny of The Real World(TM). But life is only so long, and I really do need to do something soon. Hopefully within the next month or so. *crosses fingers*
> > Tau-lambda would be my first choice; if I am not mistaken, the > various > > accent marks and apostrophes would have been just coming into existance > at > that > > point (or was it even later?) and in any case, probably would not have > been > > understood, let alone used, by most (literate) Byzantines. > > Try lambda-chi
This seems more of a modern artifact, like using "h" to form digraphs like th, sh, and ch. Tl at leasts suggests the approximate sound, while tx suggests aspiration or more likely velarization.
> > Would a Coptic letter have been understood? I'm guessing probably > not. > > Sigma-kappa is tempting, though. > > Coptic is a bad choice. Try sigma-chi, if there's no such cluster, & if > yes, > hyphenate the cluster.
Same question as above--is this more of a modern artifact? :Peter