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Numerals in Tyl-Seok

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Friday, April 6, 2001, 0:07

Because it is about numbers currently, I'd like to contribute by
presenting the system of my current artifial language Tyl-Seok.

I had the following basic thoughts:
   a) I want decimal *and* hexadecimal, otherwise I cannot
      calculate. :-)

   b) German, English, etc. use blocks of three digits: 10^3:
      thousand, 10^6: million, (milliard), billion, (billiard),
      trillion, etc.

   c) Chinese, Korean, etc. use four digits: 10^4: ten thousand,
      10^8: a hundred million, etc.

   d) Others might use two digits, five or whatever.

   e) mathematics uses a 10^n notation

But my language should be easy for all of them.  And I want few basic
words.  So firstly, using only blocks of one digit is the common
denominator for forming blocks.

This works as follows:

For decimal counting, the following words exist:
   0-9= tein, ling, kul, en, xoun, kyng, exul, leihu, xwt, han
   10=  keox

For hexadecimal counting, the following ones exist:
   10-15= keox, lingkox, eol, engkox, leokul, kehen
   16=    xuk

Now, Tyl-Seok numbers tend to be long in their base form since both
the added digits and the multiplier are attached to the right.  To
distinguish add and multiply, a verb `to add' is used to express

    to add= wng

A few numbers:

20= keox kul            (10 2)
12= keox       wng kul  (10   add 2)
23= keox kul   wng en   (10 2 add 3)
76= keox leihu wng exul (10 7 add 6)

And now, for larger numbers than 99, we need another word: to the
power of (note that the order is different from English):
    A to the Bth power = B il A

You might think of `B times powered A' (this sounds weird...).

So we get:
100= kul il keox               (2 times powered 10)
300= kul il keox en            (2 times powered 10 3)
307= kul il keox en wng leihu  (2 times powered 10 3 add 7)
459= kul il keox xoun wng keox kyng wng han

And now, you can form large numbers very easily:
    10.000.000 = leihu il keox
    10.001.001 = leihu il keox wng en il keox wng ling

Of course, this becomes large.  That's why Tyl-Seok allows to simply
drop all of the power definitions but the first one and tell the
sequence of the digits.  This will please people doing maths I hope.

So for 812.387.859.014 there are two alternative forms:

a) keox wng ling il keox xwt wng keox il keox wng han il keox kul wng
   xwt il keox en wng leihu il keox xwt wng exul il keox leihu wng
   kyng il keox xwt wng xoun il keox kyng wng en il keox han wng keox
   wng xoun

or a shorter form:

b) keox wng ling il keox xwt liN kul en xwt leihu xwt kyng han tein
   liN xoun

So that's it.

What do you think of this system?


PS: I mentioned hexadecimal.  The system is the same:
    (18 =) 0x12    = xuk wng kul
    (32 =) 0x20    = xuk kul
    (35 =) 0x23    = xuk kul wng en
    (256=) 0x100   = kul il xuk
    (263=) 0x107   = kul il xuk wng leihu

PPS: Pronunciation and romanisation chart:

     Vowels (all unrounded):
           Romanized        Kirshbaum
          FRN CTR BCK      FRN CTR BCK
     HGH   i   y   u        i   i"  u-
     LMD    e  w  o          E  V" V
     LOW     a                a

           ei      ou

          ALV  VEL  GLT      Remarks
     STP   t    k    ?       voiceless, unaspirated
     FRC   s    x    h       voiceless
     NAS   n    ng
     LAT   l

     The glottal stop is often not written at the beginning of words.