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Re: Pitch and tense

From:Joe Mondello <rugpretzel@...>
Date:Saturday, June 26, 1999, 7:05
In a message dated 6/26/99 2:32:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
Barry_Garcia@MONTEREY.EDU writes:

<< Hmm, is it like she raises her voice at the end of each sentence, almost
 as if each of them are questions? I notice that that happens a lot with
 the local latino teenagers around here =). >>

no, the entire sentence is ina  high pitch.  it almost sounds like she is
imitating someone with a high pitched voice, but every sentence, regardless
of whether they are quotes (and regardless of the voice of the quoted) or
statements that almost always seem to be hearsay, is delivered in the high
pitch.  it is sort of annoying atfer a while, but still interesting

pacs precs
Joe Mondello