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Re: Invitation to new 'conlang' wiki

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 11, 2006, 1:59
From:         Paul Bennett <[log in to unmask]
Subject:      Re: Invitation to new 'conlang' wiki

-----Original Message-----
 >From: Philip Newton <[log in to unmask]
 >>I thought that FrathWiki ( <> ) was a
 >>kind of de-facto "Unofficial Wiki of the CONLANG-L mailing list".
 >You've hit it precicely. It is *a* de-facto Wiki of the list. There are
 >at least two others, plus this newest one.
 >>If you're not yet too emotionally wedded to your own Wiki, I suggest
 >>you have a look at that -- one thing worse than having no Wiki for
 >>conlangs is having several dozen Wikis, each with very little content.
 >I'd suggest that someone or ones with a stern hand but a fair eye go
 >over the extant conlang Wikis, and combine them into a single, slightly
 >more de-jure, source. I suspect it would be a legthy as well as
 >difficult task, though. I suggest instead that we hold some kind of
 >referendum to determine our preferred Wiki (or indeed whether a unified
 >Wiki is desirable), and each take responsibility to move our own
 >content to a unified new home, if needed.
 >Alternatively, the process could probably be automated with wget,
 >expect, and perl, though that might be a nightmare to actually

Any Wiki that accepts Unicode characters (particularly IPA) would be
acceptable. Some of the Wikis I've seen didn't handle Unicode characters
properly or at all in the past. They may have improved since then. But
ASCII is such a severe limitation for language-related pages.

FrathWiki and formerly KutjaraWiki also accept information on
concultures, which would be convenient when dealing with pages with
language-related material that are more culturally oriented. But
KutjaraWiki appears to be down, so that leaves FrathWiki as my preferred
choice (unless someone knows of another wiki that meets my criteria).


Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>