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From:Markus Miekk-oja <torpet@...>
Date:Friday, August 18, 2000, 20:08
I completed the obligatory education in Finland last spring, and now
I've begun in the equivalent (or really the equivalent of the later half of)
High School. As for foreign languages, I have German (which I already had
for two years in the obligatory school) and Russian (which, I think, is

I do think this is off topic (though, ok, I'll put it like this: I want some
inspiration to my conlangs), but here goes:
could anyone post a list (ascii-ipa) of Russian phonemes?
The teacher's explanations of how a sound is pronounced are
not intended for someone who is a conlanger...

...and thanks go to all of you, since I have learnt alot from all of you
about pronounciation and grammar of different types, giving me an advantage
that I wouldn't have had without you...