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Re: Humbly beg a critique of a role-marking system for my language.

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 9:16

On Sunday 22 August 2004 23:48, Steven Williams wrote:

 > Awesome! Truth be told, I was trying to figure out
 > what to call the role that wasn't neither the agent
 > nor patient, and had only a roughish idea of the
 > actual function, so it hit upon me a few months ago to
 > call it the 'experiencer' (just a term I pulled out of
 > the great big hat of my subconscious mind, influenced
 > by my about two minutes' study of semantics sometime
 > last year).

Hehe. I have such problems as well. I'll get Payne's
_Describing Morphosyntax_ for my 18th birthday this
Thursday I hope :-) Hopefully things will become clearer
then -- I saw it several times already being suggested by
Conlang members and at other places that have to do with

 > Please forgive me my use of false terminology; now
 > that I have access to an enormous library with a very
 > good linguistics section, I may begin my conlanging in
 > earnest (and with accurate terminology, no less).

I'm jealous! In the local library, the only things I found
that I can use for conlanging are _dtv-Atlas Deutsche
Sprache_ and maybe _Wörter_ by V. Stevenson to learn a bit
more about my native language and the relations between the
indoeuropean langauges. The dtv-Atlas also gives a nice
introducion to several terms that appear here quite
often. As for false terminology, it doesn't matter as long
as you ask when you're in doubt, give examples so that we
others understand what you mean and take our advice on how
to say better.

 > It's good to be back.

So welcome back.


Eri silveváng aibannama padangin.
Nivaie evaenain eri ming silvoieváng caparei.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince


Steven Williams <feurieaux@...>