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Re: THEORY: NATLANGS: Phonology and Phonetics: Tetraphthongs, Triphthongs, Diphthongs

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin-conlang@...>
Date:Friday, May 26, 2006, 12:50
* Eldin Raigmore said on 2006-05-26 01:38:48 +0200
> [QUESTIONS 1] > > Questions; > > What are some examples of level diphthongs? What languages are they in?
Compared to English /Ai/ in "high", the Norwegian /Ai/ in "hai" (shark) is quite level.
> What are some examples of diphthongs in which neither vowel is [i] or [u] > (or [j] or [u])? (I guess the non-rhotic dialects of English have a lot of > falling diphtghongs with a center-mid [@] off-glide -- if I wrote that > right.)
Norwegian øy (rounded e to rounded y with extruded lips).
> Whose language has the most triphthongs?
Try Chinese. Not a conlang but still. And, very many diphthongs without j/w. AFMCL, the difference between rising and falling diphthongs is phonemic... t.