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[Skate] Fwd: Dutch surnames

From:Lars Finsen <lars.finsen@...>
Date:Monday, April 6, 2009, 15:01
I forwarded the Dutch surnames message to the international
speedskating list. Here is at least one interesting reply:

Videresendt melding:
> > Correction: Uiekruier means Onion-carrier, not crier. > There is also: > Nooitgedagt (never thought of) > Piest means not 'to urinate' but 'urinates'. Which makes it a small > sentence in combination with the first name. > In our village a common name is Sukkel, which means 'Duffer'. It is > possible that the person who got this name just talked back to the > administrator... > > Best wishes for spring, > Irene.