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Re: Announcement: New auxlang "Choton"

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Sunday, October 10, 2004, 13:08
On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 11:02:53 +0200, Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> wrote:
> (Unless you're telling us you've got a geminate in _Messer_ ...)
I don't think that German has any geminates (except possibly in NRW...); doubled consonants typically only indicate vowel length. (Hence the spelling reform changing some single consonants to double ones in loanwords such as "Tipp".) Incidentally, I wonder whether it might make sense to re-spell "ck" as "kk"; this would be consistent with the other stops-indicating-short-vowel "pp" and "tt" and would eliminate the annoying problem of how to hyphenate it. (New rule is "place hyphen before -ck, e.g. ba-cken"; old rule is "change 'ck' to 'k-k' and hyphenate between the two consonants, e.g. bak-ken" which makes marginally more sense (since you hyphenate between two orthographic consonants just as with p-p and t-t) but is more difficult to implement in software. On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 12:50:25 +0200, Andreas Johansson <andjo@...> wrote:
> I like some bits of the reforms and dislike others - the new rules for the eszet > is among what I like; I find them easier and more useful. Things I dislike > include the triple consonants (_Schifffarhrt_) and some of the new rules for > Zusammen-/Getrenntschreibung.
*nods* Zusammen-/Getrenntschreibung is also one my father's pet peeves - a favourite example of his is "ein Schwerbehinderter" which, he says, should now be spelled "ein schwer Behinderter", which has an adverb modifying a noun, which is nonsense, he says. (And "ein schwerer Behinderter" has a completely different meaning: someone who is heavy and handicapped rather than severely handicapped.) It's also one of the points I haven't internalised - another is capitalisation. Perhaps they should just do it like English and capitalise only proper nouns.... Cheers, -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> Watch the Reply-To!