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Re: Passover/Easter (was: Italogallic in Zera,and other

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, April 28, 2000, 21:18
At 3:33 pm -0400 28/4/00, John Cowan wrote:
> >(I find it inconceivable that Ray Brown would be sarcastic about anybody's >religion, and I think you must have misunderstood him.)
Thank you, John. Yes, I once had a profound religious experience - long years back it now seems - which overturned much of what I'd been taught & which quite literally left me stunned intellectually. I had to relearn - very humbling. And I was opposed at first by my family, till they learned to accept it. So I try to respect other people's religions and, following the exhotation of Paul, to be all things to all people. I just like a bit of respect in return.
>Anyway, here it is: > >"Eostermonath, qui nunc pascalis mensis interpretur, quondam a dea >illorum quae Eostre vocabatur et cui in illo festa celebrabant nomen >habuit." > >All net.sources, whether pagan, orthodox Christian, or Judaising >Christian (and almost all of them violently tendentious), >seem to agree that this is all we hear about Eostre from >any source, except that there are surviving placenames in Germany >that probably (according to Grimm) reflect the same entity.
Ah, I see you've been doing a similar search to the one I made. I wish I could say it'd been fun :=(
>What is clear, though, is that Bede identifies Easter-month with >the Roman April, which pretty much eliminates any notion of the >vernal equinox. > >(Which of course does not mean that religions are not free to change >their ritual calendars to fit the changing times and the increase of >knowledge: all religions that have calendars at all, AFAIK, have done so.)
Oh yes - I agee with both the above paragraphs. If someone wants to celebrate the Vernal Equinox & call it 'Easter', that's up to them. But what I kind of resent is when I'm told that my Easter is in someway not real and that their Easter is the true, original one - especially when, as you observe, there is no evidence that 'twas ever so. I wish my Orthodox friends a Happy Easter! Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================