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Re: Translation Exercise:

From:Dan Jones <dan@...>
Date:Monday, March 11, 2002, 1:55
Padraic Brown escreva:
> > "When I say a word it means exactly what I want it to mean, no more > > and no less." > >In Kerno: > >Cant ke deckem me ce parowla, fa 's precisament ke geouelem ke >fez ys: no menoer, no mais.
<delurks> In Arvorec: Pon y cwad vy'n vreydyr, a 'wad hy yn ollan pe ys def men a hy gwada, n'ys math, n'ys ley. Interlinear: when [imperfect particle] say-1s I one word, [imperfect particle] say-3s she in exactness [relative particle] is to-me want of her say-inf, [negative imperfect particle] is more, [negative imperfect particle] is less. A closer translation would be: When I say a word, she says just which there is a want to me for her saying, no more, no less. Dan Jones <relurks> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ semo la flamma, semo la casea semo la tuta, semo la cambea We are the spark, we are the flame We are the people, we are the change