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Re: Lurkers

From:Gressett, David <david.gressett@...>
Date:Friday, April 28, 2000, 15:21
If you see my other post, you will see that it's not such a huge feat. All
of the root senses are right out of wordnet, like classical yimlaku. I just
have a narrower set defined by the "vital english vocabulary".

-----Original Message-----
From: Mangiat [mailto:mangiat@TIN.IT]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 12:33 PM
Subject: R: Re: Lurkers

Metius wrote:
<<  John, it took me several months on this list, several books, 10000 web
pages, 100 reference grammars and a partridge and a pear tree before I began
to understand what people on this list were discussing. Now that I do
understand, I am diligently working away at my conlang ideas, with enormous
gratitude to you folks for planting the seeds in my brain I need for my lang
garden. These days, I lurk because ... I'm not finished! I'm sure that my
graditude will mean more when I can display the ripe fruits of my stay on
this list.
  Being a bit of a perfectionist, this takes time. A lexicon of 14000+ terms
is not enough. No less than 7 rich grammars is not enough (sseyavven means
"languages express", because it is actually 7 langs with some overlapping
grammar and common lexicon). I am creating interactive lessons for the lang.
I mean to be fluent in it!
  Then, I am not sure how to publish info on it. I don't actually want it to
be public domain, but I do want to share it with everyone on this list.
After all, you deserve it. >>

  14000 words??????????????????? SHARE IT WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
