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Re: conlangs as art (was: Re: Wikipedia:Verifiability - Mailing lists as sources

From:Rick Harrison <rick@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 18:37
I *think* And is basically saying that some artforms have more ability to emotionally
impact a person than others. (I might be wrong about this interpretation of his comment's
essence; if so I apologize in advance.)

A bit of industrial or metal music might bring out one's latent rage; a sad movie might
make one cry; a bit of choral or symphonic music might produce an "exalted" feeling (don't
ask me to define that).

Can beholding someone else's conlang produce the same intensity of feeling as music or
cinema? How much of that is due to growing up in a culture that values or does not value
certain artforms? And mentioned flower arranging as an art/craft of the less moving
category, but if we had grown up in Japan a century or two ago, maybe we _could_ be
moved to tears or joy by a great work of ikebana.


Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>
And Rosta <and.rosta@...>