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Re: R: Re: R: Latin pronounciation

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 18, 2000, 19:42
>That would almost be enough to get me into a Catholic church. Only >problem is, I think church Latin pronounciation is ugly. I prefer >reconstructed classical Latin pronounciation. That, I think, is truly >beautiful.
It was actually pretty cool. I think the kids who went thought it was cool just because it was something new. At least I did. As to the Korean and Chaldean rites...... even our church bulletin has the announcements in Hangul for the Korean mass (A lot of the churches here have the schedules and info on bulletin boards out front in Korean, since we have a very large amount of Koreans here in town), and they have it in Aramaic for the Syrians (obviously there are enough Syrians in our Parish that the parish priest thought it necessary to have a Chaldean rite evey month).