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Re: Allophone Problem

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>
Date:Saturday, June 9, 2007, 11:40

On Sat, 9 Jun 2007 01:40:33 +0200, Henrik Theiling wrote:

> Hi! > > Jörg Rhiemeier wrote: > > [...] > > > > It is - at least in my idiolect - like this: > > > > Voiceless stops are not only voiceless, they are also aspirated (except > > in clusters). In word-final position, voiced stops are devoiced, but > > unlike voiceless stops they are not aspirated. So you have > >... > > I find this surprising! > > Actually, I doubt there is, in the vast majority of German dialects, > any difference of final -/d/ and final -/t/. My dialect for one, I am > sure, has a perfect merger. If I don't know a spelling, it is > impossible for me to judge how to write that word without checking > related forms with a following vowel. > > Given that spelling mistakes are made often and that children at > school are taught to check derived forms suggests that usually, people > have a full merger. I think I have never heard or read about a > difference in German between final devoiced and final voiceless > phones. > > There are many dialects out there so you never know whether *some* > retain a difference, but I am especially surprised because I know that > you come from quite close to my place of growing up. > > Are there any papers supporting you about this difference in German? > Analyses of recordings or something like that?
No. It was simply my own observation about the way I speak. I have to admit, though, that the difference isn't all that clear in my casual speech. I repeatedly said "Rat" and "Rad" and tried to spot a difference, and I *think* I found the difference I posted about. It may well be an artifact of over-careful pronunciation, and after all, it is *just my idiolect*. Your mileage may vary. ... brought to you by the Weeping Elf