My conlang Nemalo
From: | Hemmo <hemmo@...> |
Date: | Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 16:25 |
>Then learn it. "Pronounced like" descriptions are well-known to mean
>nothing to most people. You really need to learn IPA and at least its
>X-SAMPA transcription, or you won't ever be able to describe sounds in a
>meaningful way here. I will show you why immediately.
I see what you mean, but I don't think pronouncuation is the most important
thing. I'll try to make some Sampa list later.
>>ŝ (S with ^): like English SH
>Please no HTML entities in e-mail. HTML is for webpages. For e-mail, use a
>transliteration, a description (like you do otherwise) or point out to a
>webpage with some info. But no HTML of any kind in e-mail, please.
It got converted automaticly, I send this via the web-interface of, I don't really know how posting via Outlook works.
>Most people don't know how this is pronounced. And do you mean /ej/, /Ej/,
>/aj/ or /E/ (all four pronunciations current in various Dutch dialects.
>There are more).
I just assumed the 'official' sound, not the sound of some dialect.
>>E, short: Like short E in Spanish, English, Dutch, but not as a sjwa
>The English spelling is "schwa" :) .
Like Pet for example, but I guess this too it's pronounced differently.
>By the way, I don't see "é" anywhere in this description, yet it is in the
>name of your conlang. What does it represent?
When a word is written, and a sound is short but should be long, it gets a
´-symbol (aigu?), and the opposite: when a sound is written long but should
be short, it gets a `-symbol (grave?).
I devide word like:
(A = vowel, B=not a vowel)
ABA - both vowels are long
BAB - vowel is short
AB - vowel is short
BA - vowel is long, exept when it's the last letter of a word other than E
A - vowel is short
it's a bit like English: hop has a short vowel, but hope a long one. Némalo
makes it hóp. I hope this makes it a bit clear because it's hard to explain
for me.
Thanks, I'll have a look, but the chart makes no sence to me
>Nouns in your language don't have plural? Nice :)
No, but some prepositions do.
>I fear to ask why this choice of vocabulary ;) .
What is wrong with it?
>>*) exept when the direct object is equal to the subject.
>What do you do then? :)
Kasto vios bêlo - The house is blue - the blue thing is the same as the
house, so it's the same;
Watudo posydos kastu - The man gets a house - the man is not the same as the
So, when it's equal, it gets an O, otherwise it doesn't.
>>Adverbs usually end with I.
>All adverbs or only adverbs derived from adjectives?
Only adverbs derived from adjectives and some others.
>>Words: >One word is always written as one word, unlike English does.
English words can sometimes be written as two (or more) words, like "USB
cable" or "web development" - it's one thing but has two words. Némalo
always uses one word, like Dutch or German: "USB-kabel"/"webontwikkeling".
>/ej/ as a binding sound? That's strange. Normally binding sounds are much
>more neutral (i.e. usually just schwa or similar). Any reason for this >choice?
>>Articles are only used when necesary. They can indicate if a word is
>>singular/plural or which case it should have. This is only used when a
>word >doesn't end with its own -o/-u/-um.
>And when does this happen?
With words that don't always end with an O, usually words derived from
something else: watudo (person/people) -> watudok (man). If you need to show
the word is in some part of a sentence, just give it an article:
watudo - (eso) watudok
watudu - (esu) watudok
watudum - (esum) watudok
Thanks for your help.