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Re: Langmaker

From:Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>
Date:Monday, March 10, 2003, 2:25
Jonathan Knibb wrote:

>Buggy true, but I'd like to take the opportunity to pay (metaphorical >:) ) tribute to Jeffrey for having taken the time and trouble to write >it -, or as it was then :), >was my introduction to conlanging on the web, and I've been using >Langmaker ever since. The main use I find for it is to try out new...
>Thanks Jeffrey!
You're welcome, Jonathan. I'm glad it is still useful to you. It was actually a CompuServe account back then -- when I went to college (Arizona State, mid-1980s), we weren't given e-mail addresses even, and of course the Web didn't yet exist. By the way, for the start of a directory of conlanging software, check out: You might like Mark Rosenfelder's Sound Change Applier. Best regards, Jeffrey