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Re: Mir ist kalt -- How to analyze this sentence?

From:Douglas Koller <laokou@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 21:51
 From: Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>

> The topic already says it all. How do I analyze the sentence > "Mir ist kalt"? That's German for "I feel cold", and breaks > down into 1sg.DAT is cold. But what is the subject in this > sentence? "Kalt", despite it's an adjective?
If you Google search "dative structures in Germanic languages" or "mir ist kalt grammatical explanation", you'll find a plethora of pedantic information -- some moderately interesting, some mind-numbingly dry -- on the subject. And you'll find out more on Icelandic, Faroese, Old Swedish, and German than you could ever have thought you might have wanted to know. Good Luuuuuuuuuuuuuck, Kou