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Re: Speedtalk. Again!

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 17:01
makeenan scripsit:

> I couldn't see how a collection of say, eight consonants could be > pronounced. I guess the solution is called epinthetic vowels?
You could also use the Plan-B approach: assign each consonant a vowel allophone, and use consonant and vowel allophones alternately. Then every possible phoneme sequence is pronounceable. A side effect is that each morpheme has two allomorphs depending on how many phonemes have preceded it in the current utterance. -- John Cowan Be yourself. Especially do not feign a working knowledge of RDF where no such knowledge exists. Neither be cynical about RELAX NG; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment in the world of markup, James Clark is as perennial as the grass. --DeXiderata, Sean McGrath