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Re: Californian vowels [was Re: Liking German]

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, October 1, 2001, 22:52
Tom Wier wrote:
Jerry Sadock,
>the syntax professor here, informs me that <youse> is >also fairly widespread, but <y'all> is spreading faster. >That too does not surprise me; there are between 75 and >100 million Southerners who use it.
"Y'all" is actually quite handy when it's really necessary to emphasize the plurality. "Youse", I should think, is pretty well stigmatized (at least for older speakers) due to associations with bad gangster movies and caricatured Brooklynites. In real life, I've only heard it once-- from the sergeant who greeted our smart-ass Boston group of army inductees at Ft. Dix NJ. "Youse guys. Watch yer wallets, cuz dis place is fulla tieves...". I was later stationed in Columbia SC, where I heard enough y'alls to last a lifetime.