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Re: ZBB: Another "What language is this song in" thread.

From:Jeffrey Jones <jsjonesmiami@...>
Date:Saturday, July 30, 2005, 16:10
On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 11:45:49 -0400, Ingmar Roerdinkholder
<ingmar.roerdinkholder@...> wrote:
> > I still think it is Iranian... or maybe Albanian?
I'm unable to hear the recording. However, I'm pretty sure it isn't Farsi, unless all you guys are _really_ bad at phonetics. I don't rule out other Iranian languages though. Could it be that the singer isn't a native speaker of that language? Jeff
> Ingmar > > On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 17:39:30 +0200, Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> > wrote: > > >Hi! > > > >Tim May <butsuri@...> writes: > >>... > >> [alo jowai joha zORM ad@: kasa~ van ovIdho > >> keS OsOn Emudafan vEnijUftOt muSkIdho > >> bEbu jEnofe kOXa zabo zOntoREbU? SOja~ > >> sEso bEdZa himES SkI~n:ES Z@Xu mUftOt dardilho] > > > >Interesting, I transscribed a little differently: > > > >[AlO"jO:haIjUha:so:Ri: > > &D7khasanvanhO:v&tho(k) > > kE?ES...] > > > >But I think you're right about [vIdho], it's > >not [v&tho].. > > > >I'm quite sure about [jO:hai], not [jowai]. Maybe it's [jO:h\ai]. > >And not [keS] but [kE?ES], I think. > > > >I did not dare to make out word breaks. > > > >This is fun. :-) > > > >**Henrik > =========================================================================


Tim May <butsuri@...>