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Re: Script evolution

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 9, 2000, 9:13
Barry wrote:
>The second part is, did any of you "evolve" your scripts? Meaning, if you >derived it from another script, did you write out the glyphs several >times to get a descendant script? And, if you made your own from scratch, >dod you make a "proto-script", and then evolve the letter forms from that? >Or did you guys just keep writing out characters until you found a look >you liked?
The Boreanesian script evolved directly from Kavi, an ancient script of Southeast Asians. What I did was to learn what I needed from Kavi in order to transcribe Boreanesian. Then I wrote it out several times (over a period of 2 years) with the writing material in mind (palm leaves or bamboo) to get a descendant script. At present, it looks like a cross between Javanese, Balinese, Buginese, and Cham. It has a curvilinear appearance where semicircles dominate. -kristian- 8)