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Silindion Verb System Finite System

From:Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>
Date:Friday, April 4, 2003, 7:37
Finally, we come to the tenses and other fun things,
and what they all mean.

  progressive, habitual, and simple-English type

Endings are added to the Present Stem
Singular          Plural
-si                -na
-le                -nta
-n or -r           -nto or -nte (in poetry)

  habitual past, progressive past

-nei+endings (except for zero ending in 3rd singular).
Tense ending is added to present stem, or secondary

  simple pasts, aorist pasts, and, with the particle
_liu_ they express perfective presents.

Endings are the same, except for zero in the 3rd
singular. They are added to Past Stem.

  In High Silindion and Religious/Poetic language, it
is used as a strong imperative, almost with the force
of 'would that you would go' type of thing. It's also
used as a 'hoping mood'. 'I hope you will go, I hope
he will go' etc.

  In Low Silindion, when it's used at all..mostly in
colloquial dramas and poetry, it's used as a simple
future 'He will go'. The other aspects of its use were
taken over by the subjunctive and the imperative. The
future in many High Silindion writings is the same as
the present. In Low Silindion, when the optative isn't
used as the future, the auxiliary verb 'filiello' 'to
come' is employed, added to the infinitive.

Endings are the same as present. They are added to a
mood suffix _e_ which is added to the VERBAL STEM.

Subjunctive Present:
This is used after particles such as _nissa_ 'let',
nayoi/nayoisse 'let' (High Silindion), ssa/ta 'in
order that', _leovissa_ 'when, at the time which',
_ievissa_ 'where, at the place which'. After _an_
'if'. In main clauses it's basically equivalent to the
Religious/Poetic optative.

The endings are the same as the present, and they are
added to a mood suffix _i_ which is added to the

Subjunctive Past: Same basic uses as the subjunctive,
just...well...past. A mood suffix _u_ is followed by
the present indicative endings, except for zero in the
3rd singular. The mood suffix is added to the VERBAL

The passive is basically just what you think it'd be.

vowel of past participle: -e >  -i and then the
endings are added:

Present:                Past
-asi   -ana            -esi   -ena
-ale   -anta           -ele   -enta
       -anto/ante      -e     -ento/ente

Subj. Pres.              Subj. Past.
-eisi  -eina             -usi   -una
-eile  -einta            -ule   -unta
-e     -einto/einte      -u     -unto/unte

Contrary to popular belief, the impersonal is merely
the 3rd person present passive indicative. It's not
much of an impersonal anymore, it used to be though.
There were even impersonals for other tenses too.

To the VERBAL stem is added the suffix -n- which is
followed by the same vowel suffix as the PRESENT stem
or the SECONDARY stem.

A commmand mood...obviously. It's only used in the 2nd
person, it's endings are -e and -esse, singular and
plural respectively.

This is added to the VERBAL STEM.


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