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Re: Una Lectura en Ladino para la Clase

From:vardi <vardi@...>
Date:Thursday, February 4, 1999, 11:23
Steg Belsky wrote:
> 1. en pricipio creo' el dio alos cielos y ala tiera. > 2. y la tiera era vana y vazia y escuridad sovre fasis de abismo y > espiritu de el dio abolava sovre fasis delash [sic] aguash. [sic] > 3. y dijo el dio sea luz y fue luz. > 4. y vedo (vido?) el dio ala luz que buena y aparto' el dio entre la luz > y entre la escuridad. > 5. y llamo' el dio ala luz di'a y ala escuridad llamo' noche y fue tadre > (tadri?) [sic] (=tarde?) y fue manyana di'a uno. > 6. y dijo el dio sea espandidura entre las aguas y sea apartan entre > aguas aaguas. [sic] > 7. y izo (=hizo?) el dio ala espandidura y aparto' entre las aguas. > > I have no idea why in verse 2 says _delash aguash_ and in the others _las > aguas_. > > -Stephen (Steg)
I've followed this thread with interest. What most strikes me is how Spanish Ladino is. Unless I'm mistaken, every single word in the example is of "Spanish" origin, and the question is only what dialect or period it comes from, minor phonological changes, etc. This contrasts with Yiddish (a language I know better than Ladino), where I'm sure the parallel translation would show Hebrew, Slavic and possibly other influences, as well of course as German. The fact that Ladino would have looked like this in 1492 is hardly surprising, but if this the language that Ladino-writing Jews in, say, Turkey would have wrote (or still would, to the extent that Ladino is still meaningfully alive...), then it's remarkable. 5 centuries out of Spain, you'd expect at least some influence from the other languages the Sephardi Jews encountered. Shaul