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Re: Yers (was Re: Apologies)

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Monday, December 1, 2003, 17:04
>Sure. I'm not proposing that CS (which is really a mutant form of >Old Bulgarian) get a spelling reform at this late date, simply that the >spelling reforms that led to modern Russian spelling, both Peter's and >Lenin's, made a great deal of sense. (Except that Peter should have >standardized on the acute accent for the stress instead of dropping >all accents whatsoever, and should have done something about "o".)
I know. It (personally) drives me nuts that I can't tell where to place the stress in a Russian word. But I guess you could say the same thing for English, since we also don't mark stress. It's much nicer to read a Church Slavonic text where I can always know where to put the stress. (OTOH, I think that Modern Church Slavonic takes the stress marking one step too far by placing stress markings over words of only one syllable. That's a bit redudndant for my tastes, so I don't do that with Tovlaugadois - which was supposed to contain a stress mark, but Eudora is acting up on me again, and I can't access the extended Latin range for some mysterious reason. Aargh.) Isidora